I want to tell you a story I recently learned as I connect with ACD regarding the scholarships we plan to sponsor in 2025:
Russell Little, longtime member of Franklin First, has been a sponsor through ACD for many years. He has provided a scholarship for Franklin Gonzalez. Once Frankie completed high school, he moved on to a technical program where he was able to earn a degree in construction and electricity. This was made possible by the continued sponsorship that Russ offered. His support, like the support of all of our sponsors, has kept Frankie from attempting to migrate. Migration was thought by young people to be their only option but it’s incredibly risky in many ways. ACD works hard to provide safety and education to keep children and young people in their own communities and so much of that is accomplished through our scholarships.
ACD told me this story with such joy and pride because it is evidence of the fruitfulness of their mission. Not only has Frankie chosen to stay in his home town. Not only does Frankie now have work to provide for himself and his family. But Frankie is actually the leader of the construction project on ACD’s campus, the ACD Inn. A student who was safe and loved, whose education was provided for, who felt he had a choice in his future, now giving directly back to his community and using the gifts that God gave him. It’s a beautiful witness to the Kingdom of God.
If you would like to become a sponsor for the 2025 school year, contact Pastor Carlisle Jones (cjones@franklinfumc.org). The cost is $650 for a student and $950 for a high school graduate in continuing education. You can make your payment by cash, check (Made out to FFUMC with Guatemala Sponsorship in the memo line, or paying ONLINE HERE) As you see above, your gift will make a tangible difference in the lives of many.
~ Pastor Carlisle Jones, Pastor of Missions & Historic Sanctuary