Getting connected at Franklin First UMC is about relationships that get beneath the surface. That kind of relationship won’t come by simply attending worship services. Whether kids or adults, all of us need time each week with a smaller group of people who can get to know us personally, share life with us, and encourage us to pursue Jesus Christ.

Growing Through Study

God calls us to mature in our faith. At Franklin First UMC we offer many different classes and group options to help you continue to grow in your walk with Christ. Here you’ll find dozens of Sunday school classes for all ages, not to mention a host of mid-week group options

Adult Sunday School

Wednesday Night Live

Men’s Group

Women’s Groups

To gain more insights on finding the right group for you, visit our Find a Group page here. It’s important to connect with a group that feels like the right fit because community plays a key role in deepening your faith, building relationships, and supporting your spiritual growth.

Growing Through Relationships

God never intended for us to journey through life alone. The true enjoyment of being a part of Franklin First UMC is experiencing life together in community. Discover more about how this happens for adults, youth and children.

Adult Ministry Plus

415 Youth

First Kids

To gain more insights on finding the right group for you, visit our Find a Group page here.

Growing Through Worship

Engaging in worship is a vital part of your spiritual journey. But what does that really mean? There are many ways to serve in worship, and some might surprise you. It could be singing in the choir, joining the worship band, welcoming others as an usher or greeter, or even serving with our children and youth. To explore these opportunities, visit our Serve page for more details.