Children and Family Resources
We recognize that we are all experiencing a wide range of emotions and are all in different situations during this time. We have tried to post a variety of articles that might be helpful.
Please also know that your children’s ministry staff would love to pray for you. You can email Carrie Altman with prayer requests, and she will get those requests to Katie and Natalie so we can pray for your family in specific ways.
Helping children during times of crisis
This article answers common questions children and adults have concerning school violence and gives parents tips on how to help children during this difficult time.
FFUMC member Nikki Swann is a counselor for youth in Franklin, TN, and she graciously assembled some tips for parents on regulating emotions in times of crisis. This article is for both adults and children. Click the link below to access this information.
Talking with your children about race and equality
Why is it important that our conversations with our children also include listening and modeling? To view article, click here.
How can we teach our children that we are all made in the image of God? (Includes talking points for different ages). To view article, click here.
This article has conversation starters based on the age of your children. To view, click here.
What can we do as parents to model equality for our children? To view article, click here.
This article is written by Shai, a Christian, Black hip-hop artist, and talks about how difficult it is when his friends agree with him on the centrality of Christ, the Gospel and unity, yet get uncomfortable when he brings up racism or injustice. To view article, click here.
Praying as a family
To view several good prayers & blessings for your family, click here.
When your family is experiencing grief
Navigating the online world with your child
Parents of tweens
When I was a teacher I could never understand what happened to the 2nd graders during summer vacation. When I walked out the school doors in May and returned three months later, they were noticeably more grounded and grown up. It was part of a dramatic shift from being a child to preparing to be an adolescent. To read the full article, click here.
Parenting for all ages
We can think of self discipline as the ability to manage ourselves to reach our goals. In Walter Mischel’s Marshmallow experiments, he tested how long a child can resist eating a treat, if it means she will then get two treats that she really wants. In other words, does the child have the self-discipline to control her impulses to meet her goal? To view the full article, click here.
Guiding your family during the COVID-19 Pandemic
So much of our world has changed in just a few weeks. Many people are feeling anxious, disrupted, and overwhelmed. If you have been struggling with your own anxiety or depression, the current COVID-19 outbreak may trigger the feeling that you’re spiraling downward, fast. View full article here.
Top 50 books for kids and teens to read while stuck inside. View article here.