Ready to Serve? Children’s Ministry Needs You.
Ready to Serve? Children’s Ministry Needs You!!
At Franklin First UMC, we believe our children are integral to the life of our church. We have the awesome privilege of living out the call Christ put on our lives to disciple our kids and see them come to know and grow in the Lord.
We want to invite you into this great opportunity of helping our children discover and learn more about God in ways that are fun and relevant. Listed below are a variety of ways you can get connected and impact our kids in a way that best fits your gifts and brings you the most joy.
Please prayerfully consider the various ministry opportunities below. If you feel the Lord placing any of the areas on your heart, click on the button below to serve or contact Carrie Altman, Children’s Ministry Director, for more information.
Sunday School Teacher
Share the best story...ever!Sunday Mornings at 10:00
Sunday School Teachers share lessons prepared from our Orange Curriculum. We provide all the materials you provide a love of sharing the word of God with our youngest disciples. Click here to serve.
Small Group Leader
An Essential Right HandSundays 10
Small Group Leaders assist our teachers in the classroom by greeting families as they enter, passing out materials and caring for the kids during class. Small Group Leaders often serve one Sunday a month. No prep work is needed, just a desire to guide children in their faith journey. Click here to serve.
Children's Events Coordinator
Help plan some of the most fun events around!About Events Coordinator
We have events year-round that need coordinators. If you are organized and love to plan, this is the job for you! Contact Emily McMillan for more details or click here to serve.
Children's Support Teams
Help make ministry happen behind the scenes.Help make ministry happen behind the scenes.
Maybe you prefer to help in a less visible way. Would you like to serve on our decorations team, our volunteer appreciation team or our connections team? These teams are vital to helps us make ministry work for families. Email Carrie Altman at caltman@franklinfumc.org for more details.