Join Us This Lenten Season
Opportunities for Everyone to Reflect, Connect, and Grow
What is Lent?
Lent is a sacred season that invites us to deepen our connection with God, with one another, and with the roots of our faith. It calls us to step away from the routines of daily life and embrace a time of intentional reflection and renewal. Lent grounds us in the unchanging foundation of God’s love—a steadfast core that never fails. Through its spiritual practices, we journey together with the global church toward renewal, walking with the One who leads us back to grace, hope, and home.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday invites us to return to the paths we may have wandered from and to refocus on the purpose and direction of our life’s journey. It reminds us of our mortality and calls us to live with greater intention and grace. While often seen as a time of self-denial, Ash Wednesday can also be a moment to realign our hearts with God’s Word, allowing its transformative power to renew us. It’s a sacred call to prayer, to worship, and to draw near to Christ, who gently invites us to come.
Please join us for Ash Wednesday services on Wednesday, March 5:
- Historic Sanctuary at Fifth Avenue South at Noon
- Main Campus at Mack Hatcher at 6:30 p.m.
- Livestreaming from our Main Campus at:
Some Class Options for Your Lenten Journey
What is Holy Week
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and continues until the Easter feast. Throughout the events of the Holy Week, we see the stage set for the events to come. The first reminds us of what seems to be the height of Jesus’ public acceptance on Palm Sunday, then transfers into the events of His public betrayal, arrest, death, and ultimate resurrection.
Palm/Passion Sunday
Palm/Passion Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, starting with the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. As He entered, the crowds gathered in Jerusalem for the Passover celebration waved palm branches and proclaimed Him as the Messiah. This day not only reflects the joyous reception of Jesus as King, but also sets the tone for the events leading up to Maundy Thursday. It begins a week filled with moments of great significance, including Jesus’ teaching in the temple, His confrontation with the religious leaders, and the deepening tension that would culminate in His arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Palm/Passion Sunday invites us to enter into the full journey of Holy Week, reflecting on both the triumph and the suffering that would soon unfold.
Please join us for Palm/Passion Sunday services on Sunday, April 13:
- Main Campus at Mack Hatcher at 8:30, 10:00 & 11:15 a.m.
- Historic Sanctuary at Fifth Avenue at 8:30 a.m.
- Livestreaming from our Main Campus at:
Community-Wide Easter Egg Hunt
Who’s ready for the best Easter Egg Hunt in Williamson County?
Please join us on Sunday, April 13 at 3 PM!
It’s going to be the best day ever. Join us as we go on the hunt for thousands and thousands of brightly colored eggs. We’ll get started at 3:00 p.m. at our Main Campus at Mack Hatcher. The Egg Hunt itself will begin around 3:30 p.m. This event is free and there is no registration. So, invite your neighbors, friends and co-workers for this big extravagant egg hunt right here in your community.
And….we are also bringing back our Egg-sessible Egg Hunt for those with limited mobility or other special needs. This special egg hunt will begin at 2:45 p.m. Pass the word that this unique hunt is a part of our big day!
Maundy Thursday
On Holy Thursday, we remember the night Jesus shared a final meal with His disciples, those who had walked with Him throughout His ministry. Maundy Thursday centers on the theme of remembrance through the Eucharist, or Holy Communion. Just as Jesus and His disciples honored the instructions of the Torah to recall God’s saving acts during the Passover meal, Jesus now calls us to remember a new act of deliverance—the salvation that unfolds in the sacred days of Holy Week.
Please join us for a special Maundy Thursday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m.
- Main Campus at Mack Hatcher.
- Livestreaming from our Main Campus at:
If you would like to serve at this service, CLICK HERE.
Good Friday
Good Friday is a solemn day when we reflect on the depth of Christ’s sacrifice—His arrest, trial, crucifixion, suffering, death, and burial. Join us for a deeply moving Tenebrae worship service that journeys through the events of Holy Week. Featuring the beautiful voices of our Chancel Choir and the rich sounds of a small chamber orchestra, this service invites you into a powerful and meaningful experience of remembrance and hope.
Please join us for a powerful Good Friday service on April 18 at 6:30 p.m.
- Main Campus at Mack Hatcher.
- Livestreaming from our Main Campus at:
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday is the day that transforms everything. The empty tomb declares the ultimate truth: death is not the end, and the life we know is just the beginning of something far greater. With hope renewed and hearts rejoicing, we proclaim: He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Come celebrate the resurrection with us and experience the power of new life through Christ. Easter changes everything—let it change you, too.
Please join us on Sunday, April 20 for our Easter Services:
- Sunrise Service in the Glade at our Main Campus at Mack Hatcher at 6:00 a.m.
- Main Campus at Mack Hatcher at 8:30, 10:00 & 11:15 a.m.
- Historic Sanctuary at Fifth Avenue for services at 8:30 & 10:00 a.m.
- Live-streaming from our Main Campus at: