Disciple Bible Study is enriching, informational, transformational, faith deepening and offers time to develop deep lasting friendships as you study, reflect and pray together as a group.
Disciple contains three elements that have been identified as key to Bible study: 1. It is conversational. 2. It puts scripture in context. 3. It provides opportunities for application.
It sounds like a really big commitment. Why should I take Disciple Bible Study?
Participating in Disciple Bible Study is a big commitment and it pays big dividends. Many participants describe it as “life-changing.” Most people find that their knowledge and understanding of the Bible increases dramatically, but they also find their lives being transformed by the power of God working through God’s Word and the support, encouragement, and challenge of the group.
Where do I start?
Disciple I, the recommended prerequisite for all other Disciple Bible Studies, covers the entire Biblical story, from Genesis to Revelation. Subsequent studies take Disciple participants deeper into selected portions of Scripture in both the Old and New Testament. All studies include in the format a weekly theme word, theme verse, statement of the human condition, daily and weekly assignments, and prayer.
Disciple 1 provides a foundational overview of the Bible. Beginning with Genesis and continuing through Revelation, group members will read approximately 80% of the Bible in the 24-week “Fast Track” or 34-week study. Disciple 1 is great for those at any place in their faith journey.
Disciple 2 is an in-depth study of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts. Genesis and Exodus are foundational books of the Bible that cover creation, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and more. You will also study the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts and be encouraged to practice spiritual disciplines. (32-week study, Disciple 1 suggested pre-requisite)
Disciple 3 examines the major and minor Old Testament prophets and the 13 Letters traditionally attributed to Paul. Several themes weave their way through the study-the call to remember; the call to repentance; the need for renewed vision and the place of community. (32-week study, Disciple 1 suggested pre-requisite)
Disciple 4 concentrates on Old Testament Writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude, and finally, Revelation. Present throughout the entire study is the sense of living toward completion – toward the climax of the message and the promise, extravagantly pictured in Revelation. (32-week study, Disciple 1 suggested pre-requisite)
Current Disciple Classes:
Fall 2024/Spring 2025:
Offering Disciple 1, 2 and 3 this year. More details to follow on when and where they will meet soon!
For additional information contact Pastor Sarah at scarty@franklinfumc.org .
Learn more about these Disciple offerings at their orientation on August 4 at 11:15 am or August 7 at 6:30 p.m. in Room B135.