What We Do
Sunday Mornings Thrive at 10:00 a.m.
THRIVE is focused on building friendships, engaging activities, relevant messages, and small group conversations.
The purpose of THRIVE is to:
- BELONG in a community where we can be ourselves, be accepted, and be loved.
- CONNECT to peers and adult mentors, to God’s Word, and to worship, and service.
- GROW in relationships, in faith, and in serving.
What happens at Thrive?
- Community Time. Meet together for games and community building, and worship.
- A relevant and engaging message that introduces the topic and sets the stage for small group conversations.
- Small Groups meet in Age-Level Classes for conversation about the topic and real-life application of the lessons.
We are always looking to add adults to our Small Group Leader Team! Build relationships with youth. Facilitate and participate in small group activities and discussions using a provided guide. Pray with youth.
Sunday Night Youth Group
The purpose of these monthly events is to come together as a youth group for shared fun experiences, to build relationships and community, and to celebrate being a youth group. For all youth in 7-12 grade.
Events Include: Back to School Bash, Christmas Party, Hayride and Bonfire, and many more!
Wednesday Night Live
- 6:00 Pizza and Hang out time
- 6:30-7:30 Groups Meet
There is a small group for each grade and gender.
Each D-Group has a team of 2-3 adult leaders who stay with their group for several years – most all the way through 12th grade! These adults become important friends and mentors to all the youth in the group.
These groups are fertile ground for discipleship and to develop deep relationships with youth and adult leaders. Each week youth are building relationships with adults who care about them and with one another.